Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Boulder Ruby Meetup

On Sunday I finished HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites by Jon Duckett which was a great book! I feel that it really helped everything to sink in and now I am becoming more comfortable with reading and writing HTML and CSS. I can look at a page and understand what's going on and why. I know that's pretty basic stuff but I felt from the very start when I set out to do this, that I would start from the basics and work my way up. I have a good start on ruby so far and rails I have gotten a great taste of as well. I think my next steps will be to finish One Month Rails and figure out how to get past the current road block with that project. After I complete that I would really like to dive into the Rails tutorial.

Tonight I'm going to the Boulder Ruby meetup right after work. It's about a 2 hour drive but well worth it. I really do feel that I learn a lot from everyone at the meetups and I'm looking forward to still going to as many as possible. Colorado Springs has a few good meetups, I attended one of the JavaScript groups and learned a lot about node. I also would like to get a better grasp of JavaScript so this morning I'm going through the JavaScript chapter in Learning Web Design by Jennifer Robbins. It's a really short chapter but holds some good information as a brief js rundown. I have a few JavaScript books on the shelf that are next on the agenda after my One Month Rails project and Rails tutorial. Maybe I will throw it in there just to mix things up a bit.

I'm still studying at least 4 hours a day which I think for now I will stick with. I think that's a good amount of time balancing between work and family. 

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