So this last month I have been learning all about HTML5, CSS3 a little JavaScript and a lot of Ruby. I have started to get used to working with the command line in terminal and I have also been learning a lot about git. I think I have enough of an understanding of ruby and the flow and the different things ruby can do, that I am now ready to start really getting into rails. I have met a lot of people who started with rails and soon realized that they needed to learn ruby in order to understand what was going on. I wanted to learn a good amount of ruby in order to understand rails.
I know that I have a long way to go but I have at least an idea of how things work. I am excited to know that I am ready to start applying what I have learned so far to actually building something besides HTML and CSS pages. I'm going to start with One Month Rails and then after that I will start reading Learning Webb App Development by Semmy Purewal as a primer before reading Ruby on Rails Tutorial by Michael Hartl.
I have realized that when you apply what you are learning to actually creating something, it sinks in a lot better. What I don't really like about the online schools where you code in the browser is that you never work towards something real. They have great information and teach you a lot but what I realized just in the HTML and CSS section on codecademy was that I had learned a lot more through reading Learning Wed Design by Jennifer Robbins and actually understood what I had learned and had already applied it to creating my own pages for my own personal website.
All in all I am really happy with my progress in April. I got off to a good start and now I am ready to keep on building off what I have learned so far. I never would have even imagined that I would be doing anything like this just 2 months ago. I was planning on driving a ready mix truck this summer but have realized I found something I love doing. I get to create cool stuff! Now I just need to keep learning and find a job that will allow me to grow and learn on the job.
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