Well it has been a long time since my last update and it has been a crazy couple of months. I started a new job with Trans Colorado Concrete and in my first week I only worked 3 and a half days and got 40 hours in, so needless to say for the last 2 and a half months I have been working 60 hour weeks and we didn't even have internet for over a month. I know it seems like I gave up on this crazy dream but I have not at all. As they say life is what happens when you are planning life. Now I am just trying to figure a way to keep studying while we are so busy at work. I know in a few months things will slow down drastically so I will have plenty of time to study and get to the meetup groups.
The dream is still very much alive and my goal has not changed. I have been able to do some reading here and there while at work when there has been down time but usually I can only read for about 45 minutes which doesn't get me that far and dedicating a 3 hour block of time when you worked 12 hours and still need to cook dinner and be up at 4am is really hard to do unless you don't plan on spending any time with your family.
So on friday July 25 I injured myself while at work. I was washing my truck after pouring concrete at a job and had 2 chutes on with concrete still on. When I unlocked my chute it swung to the side so I put my hands up to stop it and crushed the backside of my hand in the process. So now I have been stuck on light duty working 8 hours a day and doing physical therapy twice a week. Apparently I severely bruised the bones in my hand as well as the nerves and tendons. I have lost a lot of my grip strength, have constant pain and tingling and have realized that I can't keep doing this job. I love web development and creating things and just knowing everyday I go to work at my current job I could end up hurt or even dead gives me that much more motivation to keep the dream and all my goals alive.
With that being said, I have been trying to take full advantage of only working 8 hour days to get back to studying more. I will try to be better about updating this blog as I continue my journey with web development. I hope that soon my hand will be back to how it was and I won't have any lasting damage. As of now the doctor doesn't want me driving for at least two more weeks.
I really want to thank my wonderful wife Tanya who is always there to support me and doesn't let me give up no matter what. When things get tough or when I get discouraged she is always there to kick my ass in gear and give me the much needed motivation to keep charging ahead. I also want to thank my daughter Gemma for keeping my spirits up, she is so cute and always can make me smile no matter how bad of a day I had. Lastly I want to thank all of you who are reading my blog and following my journey. It's always encouraging to see so many other people pursuing their dreams and goals and showing that it is possible as long as you stick with it and never give up.